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As we headed to the Denver boat show looking to purchase a new money pit for the newspaper something caught our eye. It was a display of finely crafted and restored vintage wooden boats and water craft. Growing up in Colorado we always had a boat of some sort. My father always had a small boat to go fishing. I still remember the days of the boat ride at Lakeside amusement park. There was something about the boats at Lakeside. They were not the fishing boats that I was accustomed too. They had a lot more power and a lot more elegance than dads old fishing boat. It wasn’t until my later adult years did I grow to appreciate what those were. Now I wish I still had the ones I got rid of in my younger days

As we walked around the boat show and was blown away by the $150,000 ski boats I looked off in the distance and then I saw this wooden boat and of course I made a beeline straight to it. Don’t get me wrong I like new boats but there is nothing like a restored vintage wooden boat. While we were not officially covering the boat show for the newspaper I just couldn’t resist taking a few pics of some rare boats. We decided that we will do a full story in February’s issue on these hidden gems so in the meantime enjoy a few of the pictures until February.